
What’s that Yoda saying? “Do, or do not, there is no try.” by Danette Davis

Sometimes you get the shot that makes you smile, and other times, you curse about missing the moment. There are no do-overs at live shows or even at some photo shoots. What’s that Yoda saying? “Do, or do not, there is no try”…? I really do put every effort into getting the ultimate shot, but some days, the odds are not in my favor. Just a brief digression here, I don’t just watch franchise movies, hell, I definitely don’t keep up with that Marvel series.

Quite frequently, there’s one person who changes position, as soon as I press the shutter. The audience member who decides to take a cellphone photo. The tall person. The drunk person. The dancer. The person with an interesting personality that you want to photograph. The thing is, these are all distractions for possibly missing a shot, but there is a rule I subscribe to of always trying to respect the audience and hoping they return the favor. Still, it’s always a little sad to realize the photo is everything you wanted and then…boom.

But, hey, why wallow in what went wrong? Every shot is a lesson in being a better photographer and you gotta keep moving forward. Besides, there’s always at least one photo that makes me scream out loud and dance around the room. It’s generally the photo that means something to me, but possibly not a wider audience. It triggers an unspeakable joy and reminds me I’m pretty good. These photos I keep to myself and some I occasionally put out into the social media universe.

2019 was a most excellent year for me. Thank you to my artist friends for allowing me into your space and for supporting my work. These are some favorites in no particular order.